Japan VBS 2024: God is Love (7/25)

Today was the third day of the VBS with the theme: God is Love!

It was encouraging to see the kids coming super excited and singing during morning musical worship. I was pretty tired this morning but I was spurred on by the kids once VBS began. Through serving, I was reminded that I am sustained only by His grace. The teaching today revolved around explaining and illustrating to the kids what unconditional love is, including reading the prodigal son. During the game time, we found that the kids really enjoyed working as a team to accomplish a goal. We played musical chairs with altered rules to try and squeeze as many kids as possible onto as little chairs as possible. The older kids worked together well to fit around 15 of them onto 3 chairs!

Bento time after the camp was also very encouraging! Many families that were planning on staying for a photoshoot with Cindy in the afternoon stayed to eat lunch with us. I got to listen to several moms share about their kids and what their husbands do. One mom had been practicing English for over a year and was eager to practice speaking English. It led to the opportunity for us to listen to what they love about Japan and the things they value in life. We also then had opportunities to share about ourselves and why we came to do a VBS/come to Japan during the summer.

Cindy spend the afternoons and evening taking photos for families! It was a more informal way to love the families that were attending. The kids got to dress up after the VBS and take photo around the center. There was a bit of rain that delayed some of the photos but also helped cool down the temperature. Pastor Hide also got to spend time talking with the families during the photoshoot.

In the evening, we got to spend to relax and recharge. The rest was much needed and allowed for us to all reflect on what God has been teaching us on this trip. Being able to mediate and slow down after a busy first couple days was a huge blessing. I am continually reminded of how important prayer is throughout this trip so thank you all for the prayers! The team is greatly encouraged and supported through the prayers.


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray that the hearts of the kids would turn towards the Lord

  • Prayer for the last two days of VBS; that we would be able to serve faithfully and lovingly

  • Prayer for our visit to ANF (another local church) tomorrow evening. We will be hanging out with their youth group and help with their English homework and playing games with them!