Japan VBS 2024 - Closing Sunday (7/28)

Our final day in Japan was filled with spending time with the Logos Church family and kids from VBS.  This Sunday, many of the VBS kids came to service with their parents! Logos had their usual Sunday service and Pastor Toshi preached from Mark. The message brought together all the themes of the week to present the gospel to the parents in attendance. I appreciated one illustration he used to show how no one can live to the perfect standards of God and to show our need for Christ.

After the worship service, we had an “American” party, which consisted of Costco pizza, fries, and chips! The kids were all so sweet throughout the lunch, coming to say thank you and goodbyes. They gifted us with a booklet filled with notes from the kids. So so cute. After a tiring but fulfilling week, the kids’ expression of gratitude was quite moving! Please continue to pray for these kids and their families! Through all of the changes and challenges, God has worked faithfully this week and we are grateful to be placed in a position to even just observe the work that is being done at Logos.

One unique conversation I had was with Dan, Akiko, and their son, Tomoki. I was greatly encouraged to hear how Logos has been a loving community that welcomed them and Tomoki, who has a disability. It was a reflection of Lighthouse’s Bridge Ministry! What a great way to see the care