Dear Church Family,
Christmastime is upon us. What a wonderful season to reflect on God’s faithfulness and love through Christ. Yet the holidays can be a difficult time for some of us. Those who are single may feel especially alone. I’d like to share a few encouragements:
Singleness and the Next Generation
(A message for the whole church)
We hold to a high view of marriage. Do we have an equally high view of singleness? Pastor David Platt tells us that despite what our culture teaches, singleness is “an extremely extraordinarily good thing… think of the prominent people in the New Testament who were not married… Jesus—the most perfectly complete human that’s ever been—single. Then you look at the rest of the pages of the New Testament and you see Paul and Silas and Luke and Titus and Apollos and Lydia and Phoebe and Phillip’s four unmarried daughters. All of them single, thriving for the Kingdom… So what we see: marriage—good; singleness—good. Both very good.To exalt one over the other would be unbiblical.”
Singles at the Crossroads
(A great book on the topic of singleness)
Albert Hsu sets out to give us a “practical theology” of singleness for the church. “Whichever one you happen to be, do your best to be a good steward of that gift… This makes sense in the context of Paul’s message in 1 Corinthians 7:17: ‘Don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life’… Both singleness and marriage are gifts to be honored and treasured.”
Single, Satisfied, and Sent
(“Mission for the Not-Yet Married”)
An exhortation to steward our singleness well. “So when you feel lonely or discouraged in your singleness, remember that if you’re saved, you’re sent. Instead of waiting until your wedding day to get about the work, make the most of this not-yet-married life.”
Sex and the Single Woman
(Not just for single women!)
A thoughtful reminder that God can use our singleness for others and for His glory. “Nothing makes God look as beautiful as when we, who have tasted his goodness, would use our lives to testify that we will forego any momentary joy in order to taste more of him.”
Eat with Those who Weep
(An encouragement for any holiday)
Lastly as we prepare to celebrate God’s love this season, let’s consider how we can share that love with those who may be hurting. Our “dinner party should have an odd number of chairs, breaking the barriers between married and single folks.” As a family of believers may we genuinely care for one another and cultivate a culture that embraces marrieds and singles, rejoicing in the God-given gift of both states of life.