Episode 47: Evangelism During a Pandemic: Hospitality

“You see hospitality toward our unbelieving neighbors is how we uniquely present the love our Father who likewise loves beyond His circle according to Matthew 5:47 to those on the outside. By practicing hospitality we are physical reminders of Ephesians 2:19 to the world and to ourselves, that God has made a way for us so that we might be “no longer strangers and aliens,” but “fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.”

Family Worship

Family Worship Devotional Download

Suggested Worship Songs
– His Forever (Sovereign Grace)
– Jesus, Strong and Kind (CityAlight)

Icebreaker: Is there anyone in your neighborhood that you’ve gotten to know that you didn’t know before? Who?

Passage: Hebrews 13:1-2

Key Idea: We are all in a unique season of life to position ourselves for gospel opportunities by practicing hospitality to our unbelieving neighbors.

Discussion Questions
1. How showing hospitality – love of strangers – help you to better know the love of God for you?
2. What is one way that you can practically grow in hospitality and moving toward your neighbors during this season? Take some time as a family to discuss how this might look for you and come up with a plan, whether it’s taking walks together every Tuesday night, or dropping off goodies for your neighbors.
3. In order to fuel hope, how do you think God might use your hospitality to better position you to love your neighbors and minister the gospel?

1. Pray that God would use you, with however little or much you have to be hospitable to others.
2. Pray that God might soften your neighbor’s hearts in response to your hospitality.
3. Pray that those moments of hospitality might result in opportunities to share the gospel.