Psalm 1 describes the blessed person as one who has dug deep into God’s Word, making it the source of his daily meditation. In pursuit of this kind of blessed life, we briefly review the sermon from the previous Sunday. May you be like a tree planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in its season (Psalm 1:3). This week, we look back at the testimonies of our baptism candidates.
This past Sunday, we were blessed to hear the testimonies and witness the baptisms of eight brothers and sisters in Christ. We celebrate with them, and are so glad for the work that the Lord has done in their lives!
You can listen to the full audio of the service (testimonies, as well as a devotional from Pastor Kim) here.
A few excerpts:
“God has been good to me throughout my life, and even the hard times I experienced were an instrument in helping me to better understand the Gospel. I’m very excited for the adventure ahead, as God graciously builds me up in faith, maturity, humility, and understanding of His Word and the Gospel. Praise God for the relentless grace he has poured upon me throughout my life!” – Christian Suh
“I am a new Christian. I am learning more about Christ’s love day by day, but am certain I have never been happier than I am now. I used to live life in rebellion and I was scared of death because I felt alone. Christ helps me see that I can only find my security and worth in him. Faith changes how we live, it transforms our desires and it changes where we call home. I want to live a life transformed by the Gospel, because my soul finds peace in knowing Christ.” – Laura Prieto
“It was “In love [that] he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ…” We are raised to new life to live for His glory. But we’ll fail. But He will still love us. I thank God for how he has orchestrated my life, and I have faith that He will continue to guide and mold me until I die, and then to eternity.” – Zach Chen
“I realized that it was sin to turn away from God in trying to fill the void I had with anything other than Jesus, but through repentance I found God’s forgiveness and grace to find my identity and joy in Christ. To know that God is so good, always with me, chases after me, loves me, forgives me, and disciplines me out of his love brings me comfort and hope to trust in Him with my future. It is a daily struggle to turn to God each day, but only in Christ is there true comfort, true hope, true joy, and true peace which He has already promised to those who believe in Him.” – Erica Ko
Encouragement: Many of the baptism candidates’ unbelieving family members and friends attended this past Sunday’s Baptismal Service. Spend some time in prayer for their hearts this week after hearing the Gospel, and the Lord’s continued work in their lives.