What happens when you devote a weekend to the Lord and with your sisters in Christ? What happens when you eat together? Of God’s word – at least three times a day; and of meals – sitting together and sharing reflections and encouragements? Yes – you grow! In knowledge and love of God’s word, in fellowship and love, and yes sometimes in our waistlines.
Some pictures I carry with me from our last women’s retreat.
15 minutes.
I remember being challenged to find 15 purposeful, concentrated minutes devoted to the Lord every day. 15 minutes. It kept ringing in my mind and in my spirit. It keeps ringing.
Joyful tears.
I remember one sister with tears in her eyes and the biggest smile on her face embracing me after one session. The message had reminded her of the joy she had in the Lord and she was flooded with thanksgiving.
I don’t always eat breakfast. But at the retreat I was blessed to break bread each morning with different sisters each time and share reflections, blessings, and encouragements.
I remember coming back home from the retreat and feeling so full. Yes – full of those breakfasts I just mentioned but more so full of God’s word, good teaching, and meaty small group discussions. Full of encouragement, fellowship, and renewed energy to grow in my walk with the Lord.
One weekend: 11/13-11/15
See you there!
Lighthouse would like to invite you to join us at our Women’s Retreat next month! Registration costs will go up this Sunday, so please be in prayerful consideration about possibly attending. Our speaker Shelbi Cullen is a professor of Biblical Counseling at the Master’s College, and she will be sharing on growing in our identity in Christ as women, our walk with him, and our battle against sin. We would love to see you there!