When Sin Looks Normal (1 Corinthians 5:1-13)

Key idea: A family centered on Messiah are to live counterculturally by holding family members accountable to the way of Jesus and by living in the way of Jesus ourselves.

1. Holding family members accountable to the way of Jesus (vv. 1-8)

2. Living in the way of Jesus ourselves (vv. 9-13)


Small group questions

  1. How was your week??
  2. Anything stick out from the message or any questions about the message?
  3. Where do we fall on the spectrum: 1) Sin-policing or sin-ignoring? Why?
  4. If you were to confront someone about their sin, describe your thought-process on why you would/wouldn’t.
  5. If someone were to confront you about your sin, what would you want them to say and how would you want them to say it?