To Be Rooted in the Word (Psalm 1)

Key Idea: For Us to Grow We Must be Rooted in the Word

  1. How Can We Be Rooted in the Word(1-2)?

Flee from Sinful Influences (1)…

Delight in the Word (2)…

Meditate on the Word (2)…

  1. What Are the Results of Being Rooted in the Word (3)?




  1. What are the Results if We Are Not Rooted in the Word (4-6)?

Instability (4)…

Possible Destruction (5-6)…

Practical Encouragements: 

  1. Thank God for 3 things every day
  2. Meditate on God’s Word
    1. PLAN to choose the good portion (set a time, set a schedule, be held accountable) 
    2. PROFIT from bible tools and books
      1. – student account
      2. BOOKS
        1. Piper, Don’t Waste Your Life
        2. Piper, Desiring God
        3. Packer, Knowing God
        4. Jones, God Is
        5. Mahaney, Humility
        6. Kauflin, Worship Matters 
  3. PRIORITIZE Christian fellowship