The Cruciformed Church (part 2): Living Out the One Anothers (Galatians 5:25 – 6:2)

The cruciformed church is transformed by the message of the cross to show the love of the cross. The cruciformed church shows the love of the cross by living out the one anothers.

Discipleship is helping people to trust and love Christ more, so that they would love more like Christ.

  1. The threat to the cruciformed church: the self
  2. The hope of the cruciformed church: the gospel
  3. The picture of the cruciformed church: the one anothers
  • The one anothers recognize we are all sinners and sufferers
  • The one anothers are central to the Christian life
  • The one anothers are for every Christian (we are all needy and we are all needed)
  • The one anothers begin in our own hearts
  • The one anothers are willing to step into the messiness of life
  • The one anothers are about putting people in the pathways of grace