ACR2024 – What Makes a Good Worship Song? Biblical Priorities for Congregational Singing (Selected Scriptures)

The Providence of God (Esther)

Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Kindness (2 Samuel 9)

Theme: Receive and reflect God’s kindness to magnify Christ Kindness is active generosity toward others that understands and cares for someone’s needs for Christ’s sake Cruelty is active harm toward other that stems from blindness to their needs and a preoccupation with self
One Life, One Aim (Acts 20:24)

Affections of the Heart: Joy (James 1:2-4)

I. We Can Find Joy in Our Trials (1:2-3) II. We Can Find Joy When We Trust in Christ (1:2-3)Joy: “a settled contentment in every situation by trusting in God.” The greatest joy you can ever have is found in a relationship with God Himself. III. We Can Find Joy Knowing He Has a Purpose […]
Knowing Jesus (Philippians 3:7-11)

Honor Thy Father and Mother (Ephesians 6:1-3)

Everything Matters (Ecclesiastes 12:9-14)

Salt 2024 – Joy in the Journey

Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Peace

Key idea: Peace is found not in our circumstances but is a confidence and rest in God and his goodness. Three ways to invite God’s presence, grow our faith, and cultivate peace: