Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Faithfulness (1 Corinthians 1:4-9)

Key Idea: Our faithfulness to God is rooted in God’s past, present, and future faithfulness.
Heaven and the Afterlife

Jesus and His Church

The God Who is There (Genesis 1:1)

“A worldview is the structure of understanding that we use to make sense of our world. Our worldview is what we presuppose. It is our way of looking at life, our interpretation of the universe.” – Phil Ryken
Joining in the Task of Missions (Acts 14:21-23)

Key idea: The church fulfills the Great Commission by planting and strengthening churches.
High School for God’s Glory (Colossians 3:22-25)

Pursuing God’s glory in high school means: 1. Living in the fear of the Lord 2. Working with whole-hearted devotion 3. Anticipating the real reward
Welcome Night – Love God and Love Others (Matt. 22:35-40)

What does God want for us this year in high school ministry? 1. Love God 2. Love others
Transformed by Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:1-2)

Key idea: Philippians shows us that Christ transforms sinners into saints through the power of the gospel. I. The Power of the Gospel in Philippi (1:1) II. The Power of the Gospel in You (1:2)
Growing Up to Be Like Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:17)

Key idea: Grow up to be like Jesus Christ I. To Grow Up to Be Like Christ, Copy Paul II. To Grow Up to Be Like Christ, Copy Godly People
Fruit, Faith and the Gospel: Goodness (Acts 11:22-26)

Key idea: A humble heart of integrity, intent on showing kindness, displays the goodness of God.