Christ Suffered For Us (Mark 15:1-20)

Key Idea: Jesus, the King over all, was condemned in our place for our sins. I. The King of the Jews, Silent as a Lamb (15:1-6) II. The King of the Jews, Substitute for Sinners (15:7-20) Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for […]

Wives and Dating (Ephesians 5:22-24)

Submission in marriage is strength controlled and skillfully deployed… For a wife’s own husband (vv.22a) Ultimately to the LORD (vv.22b-23) In everything (v.24)

Living Out Our Adoption (Romans 8:15)

Key Idea: If we want to live lives of mercy, we must not live our lives as orphans. Our adoption means we don’t have to hoard. Our adoption means we don’t have to live in fear. Our adoption means we don’t have to worry about tomorrow.

Trials, Refined Faith, and Inexpressible Joy (1 Peter 1:6-9)

Key Idea: Trials are God doing what is necessary to pursue what is precious. God will do what is necessary to pursue what is precious. The precious that God wants for us is refined faith. Refined faith leads to inexpressible joy. Joy in knowing and experience the object of your love (v. 8) Joy in […]