Doing Good (1 Peter 2:13-17)

Key Idea: Our hope must not be to beat the culture, but win people for Christ. Our witness to our culture must be faithful Our witness to our culture must be missional Our witness to our culture must be convictional Our witness to our culture must be visible Our love must be seen, not just […]

God’s Government (Romans 13:1-7)

Our God-given Mandate (v.1a) Our God-given Motivations Government is appointed by God (vv.1-2, 4-6) Government is appointed for our good (vv.3-4) Government is about the glory of God (v.7)

All Things Good (Genesis 1:2-2:3)

I. God Gave Creation Form (1:2-13) II. God Filled Creation with Life (1:14-2:2) III. God Rested from Creation (2:3) IV. All Things Good?