A Story of Grace
Kim Kira, Kelly Kira, Shelley Kira, and Kane Kuo
Sin Entered the World (Genesis 3:1-7)

Key Idea: We have a big problem—sin—but God has a perfect plan of salvation. I. The Crisis: The Serpent Tempts Eve (3:1-5) Three Lies 1. 2. 3. II. The Catastrophe: Man Rejects God (3:6-7) Sin tempts us to be ________________.
Parents and Children (Colossians 3:20-21)

Wake Up and Walk (Romans 13:11-14)

Wake Up to Your Salvation (vv.11-12a) Walk in Your Salvation (vv.12b-14) Put off the darkness Put on the light
Singleness and the Gospel
1 Corinthians 7 The gospel takes us from Christ to contentment The gospel takes us from contentment to commitment
The Law of Love (Romans 13:8-10)

The Debt of Love The Discharge of Love The Power to Love The Connection to Love Examples of Love The Fulfillment of Love
Marital Ambassadors (1 Peter 3:7)

Key Idea: We are marital ambassadors meant to display the love of Christ and the church as we live out our faith.
Romance, Dating, and the Glory of God (Part 3) – Christian Dating Described

Caring for the Abused
Self-Centered Kingdom Building: Power that Presses Down and Harms | Matt. 23:13-25 Christ Kingdom Seeking: Power that Lifts up and Restores | Psalm 103, Mark 10:42-45 Resource Recommendations: “Is It Abuse?” by Darby Strickland “When Home Hurts” by Jeremy Pierre and Greg Wilson
Romance, Dating, and the Glory of God (Part 2) – Waiting for Dating