Liberty for the LORD (Romans 14:1-12)

The Problem (vv.1-2, v.5) The Posture (v.1, 3) The Principle (vv.6-9) The Perspective (v.4, vv.10-12)
The Moments That Made Us – 20th Anniversary Service
Check Yourself (Haggai 1:1-15)
Setting (v.1) God’s Rebuke (vv.2-6, 9-11) People’s Response (vv.7-8, 12-15)
The Good Ol’ Days

1 Peter 3:8-12 Key Idea: Every day is an opportunity to show the blessings of Christ to the watching world by the way we love one another and in how we love our enemies. Loving one another Minds that are united and humble Hearts that are sympathetic and tender Brotherly love Loving our enemies On […]
The Brevity of It (Session 4)
1 Samuel 28:3-25
The Spirit of the Antichrist (Session 3)
1 Samuel 22:6-23
It’s All About Choices (Session 2)
1 Samuel 2:12-36
Where Your Treasure Is (Session 1)
1 Samuel 1:1-28
The Worst Day, The Best Day

Acts 2:22-24 Key idea: The death and resurrection of Jesus allow our hard days to be hopeful days Why the worst day was the best day Why our hard days can be hopeful days
Good Friday Service 2023