Prayer is the Work
Praying for Moms Praying for our Church Praying for the Lost
Gospel Friendship – Colossians 4:7-18

Everyday Struggles of the Christian Life: Forgetting God in the Day-to-Day (Romans 1:18–32; Psalm 103)

Have No Fear (1 Peter 3:18-22)

Oh, My Grumbling Heart!
Hope in the Darkness (Genesis 3.14-24)

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment (Philippians 4:10-13)
Three Tactics for Everyday Gospel Ministry (Colossians 4:2-6)

Pressing On in Persecution (1 Peter 3:13-17)

God Pursues Sinners (Genesis 3:8-13)

I. Man Hides from God in Shame (3:8) II. God Pursues Sinners with Mercy (3:8-13) III. Conclusion Luke 15:1-32