The Tower of Pride (Genesis 10:1-11:9)

I. The Cultures of the World: Man’s Nations (10:1-32) II. The Sin of Pride: Man’s Rebellion (11:1-4) III. The Judgment of God: Man’s Humiliation (11:5-9) IV. The Wisdom of God: Man’s Restoration

The Futility of Work and Education (Ecclesiastes 1:12-18)

Key Idea: While work and education are good things to be cherished, they are only temporary and were never intended to provide ultimate fulfillment. The Burden and Futility of Work (vv.12-15) The Burden and Futility of Education (vv.16-18)

The Cruciformed Church

Key idea: The cruciformed church is shaped by the message of the cross to show the love of the cross.