Counseling Youth (Session 3) – How Do We Counsel?

Counseling Youth (Session 2) – Who Is a Counselor?

Counseling Youth (Session 1) – Who Is a Teenager?

Pursuing Pleasure (Ecclesiastes 2:1-11)

Faith Works (James 2:14-26)

The Cruciformed Church (part 2): Living Out the One Anothers (Galatians 5:25 – 6:2)

The cruciformed church is transformed by the message of the cross to show the love of the cross. The cruciformed church shows the love of the cross by living out the one anothers. Discipleship is helping people to trust and love Christ more, so that they would love more like Christ.
The Tower of Pride (Genesis 10:1-11:9)

I. The Cultures of the World: Man’s Nations (10:1-32) II. The Sin of Pride: Man’s Rebellion (11:1-4) III. The Judgment of God: Man’s Humiliation (11:5-9) IV. The Wisdom of God: Man’s Restoration
Family Resemblance (Matthew 5:38-48)

The Futility of Work and Education (Ecclesiastes 1:12-18)

Key Idea: While work and education are good things to be cherished, they are only temporary and were never intended to provide ultimate fulfillment. The Burden and Futility of Work (vv.12-15) The Burden and Futility of Education (vv.16-18)
The Cruciformed Church

Key idea: The cruciformed church is shaped by the message of the cross to show the love of the cross.