Growing in Wisdom Together: Two essentials to live wisely together in Christ (James 3:13-18)

Come to the Doctor (James 4:1-10)

Key Idea: When we are sick with sin, we must humble ourselves before God by hearing his diagnosis, heeding his call to repentance, and obeying his treatment plan. 1. Hear his diagnosis (vv.1-3) 2. Heed His call to repentance (vv. 4-6) 3. Obey His treatment plan (vv.7-10)
Living for the Line (Matthew 25:14-30)
Know Your Stewardship (vv. 14-18) Anticipate the Judgment (vv. 19-28) Long for the Reward (vv. 29-30)
Taking up Your Cross (Mark 8:34-38)
Jesus Demands Absolute Allegiance Jesus Demands Surrendering Your Life Jesus Demands Boldness
Ordo Salutis 3 – Justification (Romans 3.23-25)

What does a regenerate heart do upon conversion?• Faith – turning to Christ and trusting that he is able to save you• Repentance – turning away from your sin What is justification?Justification is when God instantly and forever forgives our sins, imputes to us Christ’s righteousness, and declares us to be righteous. Rom. 3:23 for all have […]
Baptism Sunday – Starting with Christ (Mark 4:35-41)

Ordo Salutis 2 – Regeneration (John 3.1-8)

I. From Death to Life, Regenerated by the Spirit of God (John 3:1-8) 1. What does it mean to be born again? (3:5) 2. Why must we be born again? 3. How can we be born again? (3:6-8) Discussion Questions1. What is one thing you learned? One question you have? 2. How would you explain regeneration […]
Faithful Gospel Ministry (Gal. 4:12-20)

The Pursuit of Heavenly Treasure (Matthew 6:19-24)

In Due Time (Ecclesiastes 3:16-22)

Key Idea: Our limitations as human beings are meant to cultivate humility in our heats and hope in God.