Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Joy (John 15:11)

Key Idea: Key Idea: We find fullness of joy when we remember Christ’s character and respond to Him in faith. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. And he who […]
To Be Rooted in the Word (Psalm 1)

Key Idea: For Us to Grow We Must be Rooted in the Word Flee from Sinful Influences (1)… Delight in the Word (2)… Meditate on the Word (2)… Dependence… Fruitfulness… Resilience… Instability (4)… Possible Destruction (5-6)… Practical Encouragements:
Affections of the Heart: Anxiety (Matthew 6:24-33)

1 Lesson about Worry: anxiety shows who your master is (v19-24) 4 Reasons Not to Worry: 1 Weapon Against Worry: Seek First the Kingdom (v.31-33)
How to Make the Most of Your Twenties (Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8)

Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Love (1 John 4:7-12)

Key idea: God is love and we love one another as we live in His love. 1. The Person of Love (v. 7-8) 2. The Proof of Love (v. 9-10) 3. The Perfection of Love (v. 11-12)
Affections of the Heart: Anger (Jonah 4)

Key idea: In God’s eyes, is it right for you to be angry? I. Jonah’s Prayer: “Love me, God, but don’t love them!” (4:1-3) II. God’s Reply: “Is it right for you to be angry?” (4:4) III. Jonah’s Priority: “I loved that plant, but not those people.” (4:5-9) IV. God’s Pity: “Should not I pity Nineveh?” […]
Choosing the Good Portion: How to Steward the Summer Well (Luke 10:38-42)

Key Idea: Steward your Summer by choosing the good portion in everything you do. Practical Encouragements:
Trust God’s Sovereign Hand (Ecclesiastes 11:1-8)

Trust God’s sovereign hand.
Peace In Parenting (Psalm 131)

Key Idea: A parent’s peace is rooted in a right humility and a right hope. Two antidotes for a restless heart:
Wisdom in a World of Folly (Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:20)

Wisdom is Powerful (vv.13-18) Wisdom is Precious (vv.1) Wisdom is Public (vv.2-3) Wisdom is Patient (vv.4-7) Wisdom Prepares (vv.8-11, 18-19) Wisdom Protects (vv.12-15, 20) Wisdom Pursues (vv.16-17)