What Did Jesus Come to Do? (Luke 5:27-6:11)

Key Idea: Jesus came to reveal the life-transforming gospel Three Purposes of Jesus:
Treasuring Christ (Part 2): What God Wants for Us (Matt 6:19-34)

Going to God When Life Feels Overwhelming (Psalm 3)

Treasuring Christ (Mark 10:17-31)

Key idea: Life is about treasuring Christ 1. Money is a false treasure 2. Christ is the true treasure
Rooted (Psalm 1)

The Generous and Joyful Life (Ecclesiastes 11-12)

As we navigate life, we often try to 1) find something to hold on to, and 2) seek shade from the heat. Key Idea: We live the generous and joyful life by holding on to the Son, and living in the shadow of death. How to live the generous and joyful life:
Sing to the Lord a New Song! (Psalm 98:1-3)

Men’s Breakfast (February 22, 2025)

Majoring in the Minas (Luke 19:11-27)

The Messiah Who Cleanses, Heals, and Forgives (Luke 5:12-26)

Key idea: Jesus is eager to extend mercy to those who eagerly seek it in faith.