Youth Retreat 2024, Rooted Session 2 – Blessed are Those Who Mourn (Matthew 5:4)

1. Sin is Vertical 2. Sin is Horizontal
Come to the Doctor (James 4:1-10)

Key Idea: When we are sick with sin, we must humble ourselves before God by hearing his diagnosis, heeding his call to repentance, and obeying his treatment plan. 1. Hear his diagnosis (vv.1-3) 2. Heed His call to repentance (vv. 4-6) 3. Obey His treatment plan (vv.7-10)
Sin Ruined Everything (Genesis 4:1-16)

I. Sin Ruined Our Hopes (4:1-2) II. Sin Ruined Our Relationship With God (4:3-7) III. Sin Ruined Our Relationship With Others (4:8-16) IV. Yet, There is Hope in God’s Promise
Sin Entered the World (Genesis 3:1-7)

Key Idea: We have a big problem—sin—but God has a perfect plan of salvation. I. The Crisis: The Serpent Tempts Eve (3:1-5) Three Lies 1. 2. 3. II. The Catastrophe: Man Rejects God (3:6-7) Sin tempts us to be ________________.
Determined to Die (Mark 14:12-31)

I. Jesus Was Determined to Die He Prepared the Last Passover He Prophesied His Betrayal He Inaugurated the New Covenant He Foretold His Abandonment
Jesus, Our Complete Savior (Romans 7:14-25)

I. The War Within (vv.14-23) Sin Dwells in Me (vv.14-20) Two Principles Within (vv.21-23) II. Wretched, Yet Redeemed (vv.24-25) Realize You’re Not Alone Rejoice in Your Savior From All Sin Run Quickly to Jesus Christ Recognize Your Two Natures
A Loving Call to Right Living (1 John 3:4-10)

God’s commands demonstrate not only his loathing of sin, but his love for us. I. The wickedness of sin demands the righteousness of believers II. The wickedness of sin demonstrates the necessity of Christ III. The wickedness of sin displays the love of God Ultimately God’s call to obedience is loving because sin is destructive.
When Sin Seems Normal (1 John 2:15-17)

Misplaced loves – rooted in deceptive, lesser loves – can only be cured by a greater love. I. Misplaced loves… (v. 15) 1. It is serious because loving God is the most important thing about us 2. It is serious because what we love will determine how we live II. – rooted in deceptive, lesser […]
Letting the Light of God Overwhelm the Darkness of Sin (1 John 1:5 – 2:2)

Key Idea: We must see and fight our sin in light of God and his Gospel I. See your sin in light of God’s holiness In light of God’s holiness we must acknowledge the reality of sin In light of God’s holiness we must acknowledge the gravity of sin II. See your sin in light […]
The Failure of Other Saviors (Judges 13-16)

We must guard against worldliness and live by faith in the one true Savior.