The Day that Nineveh was Overturned (Jonah 3)

A God Too Compassionate (Jonah 3:1-10)

Rubbernecking in Judges (Judges 9-12)

Three dangers to avoid from the book of Judges.
Killing Sin (Part 1)

Key Idea: We must kill sin, by Gospel grace, through repentance and faith.
What Then Shall We Do? (Luke 3:10-20)
Repentance: The turning away from sin or sinful habits, a turning toward God in Christ Jesus, and a reliance on the grace of the Gospel.
What’s Been Missing (Luke 3:1-9)
As we turn to the beginning of Luke 3, we see the emergence of the ministry of John the Baptizer. In his message, he calls people to repentance, to turn away from their sin and back to a dependence on God. This week we see four features of repentance that characterize the Christian life.