Wholehearted Christian, to the Rescue! (James 5:19-20)

Key Idea: Wholehearted Christians rescue those who have wandered from the truth. 1.The need for rescue (v.19a) “If anyone among you wanders from the truth” 2 applications: 2. The means of rescue (v.19b): Someone/Anyone God is the one who saves, but God is a God of means.  3. The result of rescue (v.20) Thinking Practically: […]

A Charge to Persevere (1 Peter 5:5-11)

Three Components to Perseverance   I. The Posture of Perseverance (v. 5-7) II.The Practice of Perseverance (v. 8-9) III. The Power of Perseverance (v. 10-11)