Trust God’s Sovereign Hand (Ecclesiastes 11:1-8)

Trust God’s sovereign hand.
Come to the Doctor (James 4:1-10)

Key Idea: When we are sick with sin, we must humble ourselves before God by hearing his diagnosis, heeding his call to repentance, and obeying his treatment plan. 1. Hear his diagnosis (vv.1-3) 2. Heed His call to repentance (vv. 4-6) 3. Obey His treatment plan (vv.7-10)
Iron Sharpens Iron 2023 – Session 1 – Idolatry: Understanding the Battle for our Hearts and Minds (Romans 1:18-25)

Idol Factories (1 John 5:21)

Right worship is rooted in truth Right worship produces obedience Right worship overflows with love towards others
Being God’s Steadfast Love (Ruth 1:6-18)

Key Idea: We must live out a steadfast love for others that is rooted in the steadfast love of God. The picture of steadfast love: covenant commitment and costly kindness The source of steadfast love: the true God The blessing of steadfast love: we are God’s steadfast love to others
Relationships & Idolatry: Keeping Christ King (John 4:1-30)

Key Idea: God-honoring relationships keep Christ as King.
Man-Made Religion versus God-Given Hope (Judges 17-21)

Key Idea: We must pursue God-given hope over man-made religion. I. The foolishness and despair of living with a man-made religion A manmade religion is foolish because it will fail us Because there is no negotiating WITH God, only surrender TO God Because it does not lead us to righteousness, but to moral decline A […]
The Failure of Other Saviors (Judges 13-16)

We must guard against worldliness and live by faith in the one true Savior.
Hope in a Land of Idols (Judges 1:1-3:6)

Judges is a picture of God’s faithfulness to his unfaithful people, that ultimately draws our gaze to Christ.
Session 3 – Our Faithfulness to Christ in an Entangling World (2 Timothy 2:1-7)