Identified by God (Psalm 100)

Intro: Recap of the Worldview series I. Praise the Lord! (100:0-2) II. Who is the Lord? (100:3a, 5) III. Who are We? (100:3b) A. We are His B. We are His Worshippers
The Gospel and Sexuality (Part 2)
Following Jesus: A Better Way than Following Yourself (Matt 11.28-30)

If you’d like a more theological treatment of the topic, Pastor Eric did a training for the staff and made the training available as a PDF.
Relationships & Identity: Who do you live for? (John 4)

Key Idea: Wisdom for relationships begins with finding our identity in Christ and pursuing full satisfaction and joy in Him.
The Formation of Christian Identity (1 John 2:12-14)

Key Idea: Two foundational assurances every Christian needs to embrace to live out their Christian identity. I. The assurance of relationship. II. The assurance of victory.
Whose Am I? (Ephesians 1)

Our Identity in Christ (Colossians 2:11-15)

We must focus on Christ because in Christ, we find our true identity.