Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Kindness (2 Samuel 9)

Theme: Receive and reflect God’s kindness to magnify Christ Kindness is active generosity toward others that understands and cares for someone’s needs for Christ’s sake Cruelty is active harm toward other that stems from blindness to their needs and a preoccupation with self

Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Peace

Key idea: Peace is found not in our circumstances but is a confidence and rest in God and his goodness. Three ways to invite God’s presence, grow our faith, and cultivate peace:

Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Joy (John 15:11)

Key Idea: Key Idea: We find fullness of joy when we remember Christ’s character and respond to Him in faith. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. And he who […]

Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Love

Key idea: God is love and we love one another as we live in His love. 1. The Person of Love (v. 7-8) 2. The Proof of Love (v. 9-10) 3. The Perfection of Love (v. 11-12)

Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel (Galatians 5:22-24)

Key idea: We bear fruit by the Holy Spirit, who enables us to battle our sin through faith in Christ. Fruit – “We bear fruit by the Holy Spirit…” Faith – “…who enables us to battle our sin through faith in Christ”