What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus? (Luke 5:1-11)

Key Idea: Following Jesus means trusting and valuing Him more than everything The Set-up (vv. 1-3) Following Jesus means…
Wholehearted Christian, to the Rescue! (James 5:19-20)

Key Idea: Wholehearted Christians rescue those who have wandered from the truth. 1.The need for rescue (v.19a) “If anyone among you wanders from the truth” 2 applications: 2. The means of rescue (v.19b): Someone/Anyone God is the one who saves, but God is a God of means. 3. The result of rescue (v.20) Thinking Practically: […]
Taking up Your Cross (Mark 8:34-38)
Jesus Demands Absolute Allegiance Jesus Demands Surrendering Your Life Jesus Demands Boldness
Reaching Your Campus with the Gospel
Nightlight Fall 2023, A People For His Name, World Missions from Genesis to Revelation

Nightlight, Fall 2023 – How to Proclaim Christ and Reach Your School

Nightlight, Fall 2023 – Workplace Evangelism

Nightlight, Fall 2023 – Apologetics

Three Tactics for Everyday Gospel Ministry (Colossians 4:2-6)

Evangelism and the Glory of God (1 Peter 2:11-12)