Living by Faith… in what? (Galatians 2:20)

Everyone lives by faith in their saviors. Key idea: We must live by faith in Christ because he is the better Savior who offers a better story. Two truths that Easter displays:
The Worst Day, The Best Day

Acts 2:22-24 Key idea: The death and resurrection of Jesus allow our hard days to be hopeful days Why the worst day was the best day Why our hard days can be hopeful days
Risen Savior, Hopeful Story – Luke 24:13-35

Key Idea: We must allow the hope of our Savior to make sense of our story. Our story doesn’t make sense apart from Christ In our sin we can’t make sense of Jesus When we can’t make sense of Jesus, we can’t make sense of our story Our story finds meaning and hope in Christ […]
Why Should We Tell Others About Jesus? (John 4:27-42)

Three encouragements for us as we tell others about Jesus: 1. We have been given a new purpose (vv. 27-30) 2. Our task is a joyful privilege (vv. 31-38) 3. God saves people (vv. 39-42)
The Hope of the Resurrection (Acts 17:19-34)

Key Idea: The resurrection brings living hope to a dying world I. Recognize the reality of religion We all live in light of God. We are all worshipers. II. Reorient your life to God God cannot be a product of what we imagine. God is far greater than what we can imagine. God’s judgment will […]
Jesus Loved – So He Waited (John 11)

Shocking Grace (Luke 15:11-32)
The devastation of sin and the beauty of grace.
Is the Gospel Good News? {Part 2} (Philippians 3:8)
In Christ, we find the treasure each of us seeks.