High School For God’s Glory: Dating (Selected Scriptures)

Christian dating defined: Christian dating is a mutual commitment between a Christian man and a Christian woman to test their relationship for marriage. Two Implications for Dating:
Romance, Dating, and the Glory of God (Part 3) – Christian Dating Described

Romance, Dating, and the Glory of God (Part 2) – Waiting for Dating

Romance, Dating, and the Glory of God (Part 1) – Christian Dating Defined

Definition: Christian dating is a mutual commitment between a Christian man and Christian woman to test their relationship for marriage for the glory of God.
Wives and Dating (Ephesians 5:22-24)

Submission in marriage is strength controlled and skillfully deployed… For a wife’s own husband (vv.22a) Ultimately to the LORD (vv.22b-23) In everything (v.24)
Husbands and Dating (Ephesians 5:25-33)

Loving Leadership is defined by Sacrificial love (v.25) Sanctifying love (vv.26-27) Self-love (vv.28-30, 33a)
Marriage and Dating (Ephesians 5:31-32)

The What: The Union of Marriage (v.31) The Why: The Uniqueness of Marriage (v.32) The How: Dating as the Understudy of Marriage
Singleness and Dating (1 Corinthians 7:6-8, 32-35)

The Gift of Singleness (vv.6-8) Not permanent on earth, but in eternity Not peculiar, but practical The Goal of Singleness (v.32-35) Some Guidelines for Dating The purpose shapes the plan Community is the context Stop shopping, start serving The glory of God governs everything
Marriage and The Gospel: What is the goal? (Ephesians 5:22-33)

Key Idea: Marriage is a picture of the gospel, and shows us how to date with gospel purpose.
Joy and Design, Part 2: What role do you play (Proverbs 31:10-31; Titus 2:3-5)

Theme: God has designed and given us biblical roles as men and women for human joy and flourishing – and for thriving marriages. Key Idea: Biblical womanhood is when a woman lives out her God-designed responsibility to have confidence in Christ, live with wisdom and discernment, help her husband, and prioritize the home with […]