Sing to the Lord a New Song! (Psalm 98:1-3)

Singleness for God’s Glory (1 Corinthians 7:6-9, 25-35)

High School for God’s Glory: The Church

ACR2024 – What Makes a Good Worship Song? Biblical Priorities for Congregational Singing (Selected Scriptures)

Affections of the Heart: Anxiety (Matthew 6:24-33)

1 Lesson about Worry: anxiety shows who your master is (v19-24) 4 Reasons Not to Worry: 1 Weapon Against Worry: Seek First the Kingdom (v.31-33)
Choosing the Good Portion: How to Steward the Summer Well (Luke 10:38-42)

Key Idea: Steward your Summer by choosing the good portion in everything you do. Practical Encouragements:
Wholehearted Christian, to the Rescue! (James 5:19-20)

Key Idea: Wholehearted Christians rescue those who have wandered from the truth. 1.The need for rescue (v.19a) “If anyone among you wanders from the truth” 2 applications: 2. The means of rescue (v.19b): Someone/Anyone God is the one who saves, but God is a God of means. 3. The result of rescue (v.20) Thinking Practically: […]
Come to the Doctor (James 4:1-10)

Key Idea: When we are sick with sin, we must humble ourselves before God by hearing his diagnosis, heeding his call to repentance, and obeying his treatment plan. 1. Hear his diagnosis (vv.1-3) 2. Heed His call to repentance (vv. 4-6) 3. Obey His treatment plan (vv.7-10)
No Room for Partiality (James 2:1-7)

Nightlight Fall 2023, A People For His Name, World Missions from Genesis to Revelation