Evangelism and the Glory of God (1 Peter 2:11-12)
Walking with God Through the Word: Meditation (Part 2)
Selected Scriptures Key Idea: Rather than meditate on our sin or suffering, we need to meditate on our Savior through Scripture Encouragement for meditation Explanation of meditation Examples of meditation
Walking with God Through the Word: Meditation (Part 1)
Christian Meditation: Thinking deeply about biblical truths Meditation isn’t missing, it is misdirected Meditation isn’t nice, it is necessary
Our Faithful King (Luke 1:26-38)
The Promised King (Matthew 2:1-12)
Key Idea: Pursuing the promised King leads to a joyful heart Pursuing pretend kings lead to a trouble heart Pursuing the promised King leads to a joyful heart
Proclaiming Our King (1 Peter 2:9-10)
Serving: What Christ Wants For You
Key Idea: Joyful serving is rooted in a relationship with Jesus Four ways to pursue joyful serving in Christ Consider your heart Consider the goodness of Christ Consider your family Consider the gospel
Loving Others By Loving Christ (1 Peter 1:22-2:3)
Key Idea: We love others faithfully by first allowing the Word to encourage our love for Christ.
The Pathway of Truth
Living Out Our Adoption (Romans 8:15)
Key Idea: If we want to live lives of mercy, we must not live our lives as orphans. Our adoption means we don’t have to hoard. Our adoption means we don’t have to live in fear. Our adoption means we don’t have to worry about tomorrow.