The Sovereignty of God in the Gospel
Summer Nightlight 2012
The Purpose of the Church (Ephesians 2:1-10)
Three purposes of the Church as seen in Ephesians 2: worship, edification, and evangelism. The third part of our four-week series on The Church: The Gospel Made Visible.
Be a Servant (Philippians 2:1-11)
In the second part of our series on The Church, we examine three aspects of what it means to be a servant, looking to Philippians 2 for the example we have in Jesus Christ.
Do You Know Who He Is? (Luke 2:39-52)
Mary and Joseph make the pilgrimage from Nazareth to Jerusalem for the Passover. On the way back, they accidentally leave twelve-year-old Jesus. They did not know where He was, betraying the fact that they did not know who He was. The question is–do we know who He is?
What You Saying About Jesus? (Luke 2:22-38)
Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple to dedicate him and are met by Simeon and Anna, two faithful believers who testify that Mary and Joseph’s infant son is the Christ, the Savior of the world.
Who You Are Is Who He Is (Luke 1:76-80)
Zechariah, in the final portion of his Benedictus, prophesies as to what his son, John, will do and what the Christ will do. Their identities are wrapped up in their mission. For us, we need to consider our identities and how Jesus Christ should be our lives.
Christ the King
After the birth of John the Baptist, Zechariah his father opened his mouth in praise and worship to God for what he had done–and what he was going to do. In this first part of Zechariah’s Benedictus, Zechariah focuses on God’s promise of an eternal King to sit on David’s throne, the Christ.
The Heart of Mary, the Heart of Worship (Luke 1:46-56)
Luke is concerned with not just telling us the events of the birth of the Christ, but what they mean. This section of Scripture points to Mary’s worshipful response (called Mary’s Magnificat) to the grace of God in her life. She does not grow prideful because of the honor given to her to be the […]
The True Story (Luke 1:26-38)
Luke wrote his Gospel account to emphasize the reality of what happened concerning Jesus’ birth. The story of Jesus is the fairy tale that’s true, the movie that doesn’t end when the lights turn on, the one story that moves us because it is real.
Grace for a Doubter (Luke 1:18-25)
Zechariah was given amazing news from an angel sent by God, yet he still had his doubts. Though Zechariah doubted, God used him and his wife Elizabeth anyway to bring the forerunner of the Messiah, John the Baptist, into the world. God’s plans are not contingent upon anything, even belief–his grace is sovereign and more […]