Hate the Sin… Love the Sinner (2 Corinthians 2:5-11)
When we are wronged, we can and ought to show a gospel love through forgiveness and reconciliation.
What Will You Do With Jesus {Part 3} (Luke 2:1-7; Luke 2:22-35; Luke 1:5-22, 68-69)
It’s the End of the World as We Know it, and I Feel…? (Mark 13:28-37)
Jesus calls us to be ready for his return.
Abide in Me (John 15:7)
We can relate to Christ each day through his Word.
Disciplining Children (Selected Scriptures)
Who Am I? (Mark 8:27-33)
We must all must consider who Christ is and who he is in our lives.
Biblical Dating
Biblical Dating Q&A
Discipline Seminar
Spring Nightlight 2013