Generosity with the Gospel (Matthew 2:1-12)

Three ways the Christmas story motivates to be generous with the Gospel Christ came to call outsiders You were an outsider Every unbeliever is an outsider God can save any outsider Christ came to dethrone our false kings Christ came to create worshipers Worship calls for sacrifice Worship calls for submission Worship creates joy
Reasons to Follow Jesus (Mark 9:1-13)

Anniversary Service 2021

Hope for Our Humility (Philippians 2:1-11)

Five facets of humility that make the darkness flee 1. The inevitability of humility (v. 1) 2. The result of humility (v. 2) 3. The heart of humility (vv. 3-4) 4. The example of humility (vv. 5-8) 5. The hope of humility (vv. 9-11) “Man’s maker was made man that He, Ruler of the stars, […]
Episode 74: You Watch Your Mouth!

“Our words should give grace to those who hear. Very simply, do your words point people to Christ? Does the graciousness of your speech remind people of the grace they find in the Gospel? Is there a hope-filled, heavenward flavor to the way you talk to people?”
Joy in Sorrow (John 16:16-24)

Key idea: We find a persevering and powerful joy when we see life in light of Christ and his gospel Four aspects of true joy to encourage our faith and increase our joy True joy recognizes the world’s counterfeits True joy is rooted in the Gospel True joy sees the bigger story Believe that suffering […]
I Love to Tell the Story (Ephesians 2:1-10)

1. Chapter 1 – The Real Problem: Spiritual Death a. Totally corrupted by sin b. Seduced by the world’s values c. Enslaved to the rule of Satan d. Destined for judgment 2. Chapter 2 – The Divine Solution: the Gospel a. We have a hero who loves us b. We have a hero who forgives […]

“There are a billion ways to start digging deeper roots into God’s Word, and you don’t have to do all of them, but are you doing any of them? My guess is that this is not news to you. One more Truths for Troubled Times video to remind you to be in the Word. But […]
Episode 43: What is the Church? A Worshiping Community

“There is a healthy discontentment that we should feel about the way things are. We should long to be together. We should long to be with our church family. A family that has to spend a long time apart from one another should never feel like that’s normal or healthy. But more than we should […]
Episode 30: Impatience and Frustration

“As much as we are waiting for many things to happen, the one thing we should be waiting on the most is God. Waiting for other things that we think will give us stability and safety will always lead to impatience and unrest. But waiting on God, trusting in his story, his priorities will always […]