High School For God’s Glory: Dating (Selected Scriptures)

Christian dating defined: Christian dating is a mutual commitment between a Christian man and a Christian woman to test their relationship for marriage. Two Implications for Dating:
Very Good: Male and Female He Created Them (Selected Scriptures)

Youth Group for God’s Glory: Technology (Selected Scriptures)

Five Questions to ask so you can use technology for God’s glory:
Keeping in Step with the Spirit Together (Galatians 5:25-6:6)

High School for God’s Glory (Colossians 3:22-25)

Pursuing God’s glory in high school means: 1. Living in the fear of the Lord 2. Working with whole-hearted devotion 3. Anticipating the real reward
Welcome Night – Love God and Love Others (Matt. 22:35-40)

What does God want for us this year in high school ministry? 1. Love God 2. Love others
Walk by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-21)

Living for the Line (Matthew 25:14-30)
Know Your Stewardship (vv. 14-18) Anticipate the Judgment (vv. 19-28) Long for the Reward (vv. 29-30)
Ordo Salutis 3 – Justification (Romans 3.23-25)

What does a regenerate heart do upon conversion?• Faith – turning to Christ and trusting that he is able to save you• Repentance – turning away from your sin What is justification?Justification is when God instantly and forever forgives our sins, imputes to us Christ’s righteousness, and declares us to be righteous. Rom. 3:23 for all have […]
Faith Works (James 2:14-26)