The Messiah Who Cleanses, Heals, and Forgives (Luke 5:12-26)

Key idea: Jesus is eager to extend mercy to those who eagerly seek it in faith.
The Authority of Jesus (Luke 4:31–44)

Key Idea: Jesus’ display of authority over demons and disease reveals He is Lord over our lives and a compassionate savior.
Waiting On God (Luke 1.5-3.38)

Biblical Worldview Q&A

If you are a part of Praxis and would like to listen to this, please contact
The Sanctity of Life (Selected Scriptures)

Key idea: Because humans are uniquely made in God’s image, all human life is sacred and deserving of love, protection, and care, and this applies to every stage of life, from “womb” to “tomb.”
The God Who Is Not Silent (Selected Scriptures)

“Every argument for every perspective should send us back to the biblical witness. At the end of the day, it should come down to whoever offers the most plausible and persuasive reading of the biblical texts in question… Yes I worry that in some circles, cultural arguments receive precedence over scriptural ones–as if they alone […]
Heaven and the Afterlife

How to Make the Most of Your Twenties (Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8)

The Vanity and Limitations of Human Government (Ecclesiastes 8:1-17)

The Vanity of Power and Wealth (Ecclesiastes 5:8 – 6:9)