Japan VBS 2024: Reflections

Japan VBS 2024 – Reflections Mark Kato Hot. Humid. Beautiful. These are the three words I would use to describe our missions trip to Japan. It started off with a twist and turn in our itinerary.  A global IT systems failure canceled our flight into Nagoya so we flew into Hong Kong and then to […]

Japan VBS 2024: Closing Sunday (7/28)

Japan VBS 2024 – Closing Sunday (7/28) Our final day in Japan was filled with spending time with the Logos Church family and kids from VBS.  This Sunday, many of the VBS kids came to service with their parents! Logos had their usual Sunday service and Pastor Toshi preached from Mark. The message brought together […]

Japan VBS 2024 – God is Our Friend (7/27)

Japan VBS 2024 – God is Our Friend (7/27) Today was the final day of the VBS! Praise God for all that he has done this past week. Listening to the kids sing loudly on the final day is something that will stick after the trip is over. Please continue to pray that the words […]

Japan VBS 2024: God is Our Savior (7/26)

Japan VBS 2024: God is Our Savior Today’s lesson was really focused on delivering a direct gospel presentation to the kids. Your prayers for the hearts of the children has been much appreciated! We trust that the Lord will work according to his plans as the gospel is preached. The discussions after teaching went really […]

Japan VBS 2024: God is Love (7/25)

Japan VBS 2024: God is Love (7/25) Today was the third day of the VBS with the theme: God is Love! It was encouraging to see the kids coming super excited and singing during morning musical worship. I was pretty tired this morning but I was spurred on by the kids once VBS began. Through […]

Japan VBS 2024: God is Perfect (7/24)

Japan VBS 2024: God is Perfect (7/24) Today’s VBS started at 2 PM so we had the morning open. The team went on a prayer walk around the neighborhood and through a local shrine. It was honestly jarring to see locals making use of the shrine and was a very tangible example of the tight […]

Japan VBS 2024: God is Creator (7/23)

Japan VBS 2024: God is Creator (7/23) Praise God for getting us through the first day of VBS (Kids Summer English)! Today’s main idea for the teaching and snacks was God is Creator. The teaching walked through aspects of Genesis and select Psalms. The craft today was coloring tote bags and the kids continued to […]

Japan VBS 2024: Prep Day (7/22)

In the afternoon, we went to the center to set up the rooms and do all the prep for the week. Other moms, who have children signed up for the VBS, also came to help us put together crafts and decorate the rooms. This was an informal and comfortable way to continue to get to […]

Japan VBS 2024: Travel Days (7/19-7/21)

Japan VBS 2024: Travel Days (7/19-7/21) We arrived at LAX on 7/19 around 8:15 AM to notifications that our flight was cancelled. Initially, the earliest flight with United wouldn’t leave until Monday. The Lord provided a way and equipped our team well! Duane’s experience working in the airplane industry was a huge help. We rushed […]