Fruit, Faith, and the Gospel: Love (1 John 4:7-12)

Key idea: God is love and we love one another as we live in His love. 1. The Person of Love (v. 7-8) 2. The Proof of Love (v. 9-10) 3. The Perfection of Love (v. 11-12)
Wisdom in a World of Folly (Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:20)

Wisdom is Powerful (vv.13-18) Wisdom is Precious (vv.1) Wisdom is Public (vv.2-3) Wisdom is Patient (vv.4-7) Wisdom Prepares (vv.8-11, 18-19) Wisdom Protects (vv.12-15, 20) Wisdom Pursues (vv.16-17)
Live Now (Ecclesiastes 9:1-12)

Wisdom Is Not for Winning (Ecclesiastes 7:15-29)

Wisdom Resolves the Confusion Wisdom Resolves the Corruption Wisdom Recognizes the Challenge Wisdom Receives the Cure
Approaching God (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7)

Better Together (Ecclesiastes 4:1-16)

In Due Time (Ecclesiastes 3:16-22)

Key Idea: Our limitations as human beings are meant to cultivate humility in our heats and hope in God.
Work Don’t Work (Ecclesiastes 2:12-26)

Pursuing Pleasure (Ecclesiastes 2:1-11)

Life Under The Sun (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11)