Episode 78: From Stealing to Sharing

“In light of Christmas, we have a shining model to imitate. Jesus Christ did not rest idle on His heavenly throne. He came down. He would do the honest and hard work of redeeming the lost, spending Himself that He might have something to share, salvation. And so we labor, not to earn His favor, […]

A Light That Brings Hope (Micah 5:1-5a)

A Light in the Darkness (Part 3): A Light That Brings Hope Micah 5:1-5a Key Idea: God allows and uses our humiliation so we might be prepared to hope in Him. I. Setting the Stage: Humiliation (vv.1-2a) II. Seeing the Savior: Hope (vv.2b-5a)

Robbing God (Malachi 3:6-12)

Key Idea: Our resources are to be stewarded and used in such a manner that shows we value our relationship with God the most.

Episode 66: A Better Country

“All of this has caused me to realize. While this pandemic has touched and even greatly impacted our lives, it hasn’t changed where we’ve set our gaze, where we’ve placed our hope. We’re not eager to rewind the tape to 2019. We’re eager for the consummation of our salvation, for faith to become sight. A […]