I Love to Tell the Story (Part 2) (Psalm 51)

My Sin, Not In Part But the Whole (Part 1) (Psalm 51)

Be Still, My Soul (Psalm 131)

When God Hides His Face (Psalm 22)

Life Secured in Christ (Psalm 16)

Key idea: We can find our eternal security in Christ, knowing that he is our refuge in life and our hope in death. 1. God is our refuge in life (vv. 1-9) 2. God is our hope in death (vv. 10-11)
The Theater of God’s Glory (Psalm 8)

Key idea: We praise God’s name because his name reveals who he is and who we are 1. We praise God’s name because his name reveals who he is (vv. 1-2) A God who is gloriously personal (v. 1) A God who defies expectation (v. 2) 2. We praise God’s name because his name reveals […]
An Introduction to the Psalms

The Psalms are… …the divinely inspired songs… …of the people of God… …for the worship of God… …so that we can share in the life of God… …for the life of the world.