Singleness & Friendship: How do we live now? (Selected Scriptures)

Key Idea: Singleness shows us the sufficiency of the gospel and our ability to experience a satisfied life in Christ.
Marriage and The Gospel: What is the goal? (Ephesians 5:22-33)

Key Idea: Marriage is a picture of the gospel, and shows us how to date with gospel purpose.
Joy and Design, Part 2: What role do you play (Proverbs 31:10-31; Titus 2:3-5)

Theme: God has designed and given us biblical roles as men and women for human joy and flourishing – and for thriving marriages. Key Idea: Biblical womanhood is when a woman lives out her God-designed responsibility to have confidence in Christ, live with wisdom and discernment, help her husband, and prioritize the home with […]
Joy and Design, Part 1: What role do you play? (Selected Scriptures)

Theme: God has designed and given us biblical roles as men and women for human joy and flourishing – and for thriving marriages. Key Idea: Biblical manhood is when a man lives out his God-designed responsibility to humbly lead, love, provide for, and protect women and family.
Relationships & Identity: Who do you live for? (John 4)

Key Idea: Wisdom for relationships begins with finding our identity in Christ and pursuing full satisfaction and joy in Him.
Dating & Desire: Dating for More than Marriage (Ephesians 5:22-23)

Key Idea: Marriage is a picture of the gospel and the gospel changes everything about how we approach dating.
Wisdom & Attraction: Making Each Other Better (Proverbs 2)

Key Idea: Attraction must be filtered through contentment in Christ and biblical wisdom in the pursuit of a dating relationship. I. Be attracted to people that make you better II. Be attracted to godliness
Stewardship & Singleness: Living for God’s Glory (1 Corinthians 7:1-9, 25-35)

Key Idea: Singleness is a practical gift meant to be used for God’s glory. Three biblical foundations for singleness: I. Singleness is good II. Singleness is a gift III. Singleness is a stewardship
Relationships & Idolatry: Keeping Christ King (John 4:1-30)

Key Idea: God-honoring relationships keep Christ as King.