Deborah and Barak

All songs from Seeds Family Worship – Used with permission The Secret (Philippians 4:12-13) Crushed (Psalm 34:18) Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6) Activity sheet for younger kids Activity sheet for older kids

Israel’s Unfaithfulness

All songs from Seeds Family Worship – Used with permission – Do What It Says (James 1:22) Your Life is Hidden (Colossians 3:2-3) Shout to the Lord Craft download Activity sheet for younger kids Activity sheet for older kids

Taking the Land

All songs from Seeds Family Worship – Used with permission Cast Your Cares (Psalm 55:22) Eternal Life (John 3:16) Out of the Mud (Psalm 40:1-2) Craft Download Activity sheet for younger kids Activity sheet for older kids

The Battle of Jericho

*All songs were recorded prior to shelter-in-place orders All songs from Seeds Family Worship – Used with permission Think About It (Philippians 4:8) The Secret (Philippians 4:12-13) Young (1 Timothy 4:12) Craft download Activity sheet for younger kids Activity sheet for older kids

Moses’ Farewell

All songs from Seeds Family Worship – Used with permission “Crushed” (Psalm 34:18) “Convinced” (Romans 8:38-3) “Fear Not” (Isaiah 41:10) Craft Download Activity Sheet for Younger Kids Activity Sheet for Older Kids

Balaam and Balak

All songs from Seeds Family Worship – Used with permission “My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone” (Psalm 46:10) “The Rock Eternal” (Isaiah 26:3-4) “Take Heart” (John 16:33) Balaam and Balak Craft Download Activity Sheets for Younger Kids Activity Sheets for Older Kids

Joshua and Caleb

Songs from Seeds Family Worship Used with permission – Out of the Mud (Psalm 40:1-2) Trust in the Lord Proverbs (3:5-6) The Word of God (Hebrews 4:12) Activity Sheet Downloads For younger kids For older kids

Rules for Sacrifice

Songs by Seeds Family Worship: “Treasure” “Your Words in My Heart” “Cast Your Cares”