Blessed Assurance, Our Sovereign God (Acts 27:21-26)

Key Idea: God’s sovereignty encourages us to trust in His word.
The Gospel on Trial (Acts 26)

Four responses to our resurrected Savior
Paul’s Appeal and Trial (Acts 25)

Jewish Law and Dis-Order: The First Trial of Paul (Acts 24)

Key Idea: God is the Supreme judge
Take Courage in God’s Sovereignty (Acts 23)

Key idea: We can take courage in God’s sovereignty in any situation in life. God sovereignty means that God is in absolute control over every event and circumstance in His creation. God’s sovereignty… I. comforts us and gives us hope in injustice of the world (1-5). II. encourages us in our fear and […]
Our Faithful God (Acts 21:27-22:29)

Key Idea: Our God is faithful and provides for us in our weakness. Three ways God is faithful in the midst of difficulties: I. God is faithful to change us II. God is faithful to guide us III. God is faithful to provide for us
Bound for Jerusalem: Loving Christ in View of Suffering (Acts 21:1-20)

Key Idea: Our love for Christ changes our view of suffering Three ways our love of Christ changes our view of suffering: I. Displaces our idol of comfort (v.1-6) II. Determines who we live for (v.7-14) III. Directs all glory to God (v.15-20)
Brandless: The Christ (Acts 20:17-38)

Key Idea: Let your life be completely centered on Christ so that it has a multiplying effect on other people that last into eternity.
Religious Affections (Acts 19:1-20)

Two dangers: I. The Danger of misplaced affections II. The Danger of following Christ
Pictures of Devotion and a Balm to Discouragement (Acts 18)

Key Idea: The Lord, through the agency of His church, carries His people in the service of the gospel through difficult times and discouragement.