His Poverty, Our Riches (2 Corinthians 8:9)

Key Idea: Grace means that through the poverty of Christ, we become rich. I. We will appreciate Grace when we understand the necessity of it II. We will appreciate Grace when we understand the costliness of it Jesus’ poverty refers to becoming human Jesus’ poverty refers to the cross III. We will appreciate Grace when […]

A Season for Giving (Part 1): The Joy of Generosity

Gospel grace leads to a joy in generosity I. The Gospel gives us the __ for generosity Remember that giving is normal, expected Christianity. Let giving be a spiritual barometer. If you want to grow in generosity, grow in your walk with God. II. The Gospel gives us a __ of generosity that fuels our […]

Often Hidden, Always Faithful (Ruth 4:13-22)

We can have peace through the sufferings of life because we know that though God is often hidden, he is always faithful. I. We must remember that though God is often hidden, he is always faithful God often uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary God’s plan is always better II. We can’t let the […]

Where Love Looks (Ruth 4:1-12)

Two hopes: Greater Trust Greater Love Key Idea: The focus of our hearts will lead to the faithfulness of our love. I. To love better we must look away from self II. To love better we must look to God The Blessings of Steadfast Love You experience unique grace You live a life that matters

A Love That Makes God Known (Ruth 2:14-23)

We should pursue a love that encourages faith and hope in God. Three hopes for our love: I. A love that creates community II. A love that makes God known III. A love that encourages hope and faith

The Reformation: Historical Roots, Present Reality (Romans 1:17)

A brief history of the Reformation. I. Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone – Pastor Kelly Kira II. Sola Fide: Faith Alone – Pastor Jason Ho III. Sola Gratia: Grace Alone – Pastor Ryan Narasaki IV. Solus Christus: Christ Alone – Pastor Gavin Kajikawa V. Soli Deo Gloria: God’s Glory Alone – Pastor Kim Kira