The Mission of the Messiah (Mark 10:32-45)

Key idea: We must find our life mission in Jesus’ mission, which was to glorify God by suffering, giving His life as a ransom for many. The Servant of Yahweh (10:32-34) The Servants of Self (10:35-40) The Servant of All (10:41-45)

True Greatness (Mark 9:30-50)

Key idea: If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all. I. Who is the Greatest? (9:30-32) II. What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus? (9:33-37) III. What Does it Mean to Not Follow Jesus? (9:38-50) IV. Follow Jesus!

Why Does God Love Us? (1 John 4.10)

I. Does God love us because we are good? II. Does God love us because we do good? III. Does God love us because He “has” to? IV. Does God love us because Jesus died? V. God loves us because of Himself