Ordo Salutis 4 — Sanctification (2 Corinthians 3-16-19)

I. The Sanctification Process: Becoming More Like Christ Why? The Motivation of Sanctification II. The Means of Grace: Beholding the Glory of Christ (2 Cor 3:16-18)
Ordo Salutis 3 – Justification (Romans 3.23-25)

What does a regenerate heart do upon conversion?• Faith – turning to Christ and trusting that he is able to save you• Repentance – turning away from your sin What is justification?Justification is when God instantly and forever forgives our sins, imputes to us Christ’s righteousness, and declares us to be righteous. Rom. 3:23 for all have […]
Ordo Salutis 2 – Regeneration (John 3.1-8)

I. From Death to Life, Regenerated by the Spirit of God (John 3:1-8) 1. What does it mean to be born again? (3:5) 2. Why must we be born again? 3. How can we be born again? (3:6-8) Discussion Questions1. What is one thing you learned? One question you have? 2. How would you explain regeneration […]
The Tower of Pride (Genesis 10:1-11:9)

I. The Cultures of the World: Man’s Nations (10:1-32) II. The Sin of Pride: Man’s Rebellion (11:1-4) III. The Judgment of God: Man’s Humiliation (11:5-9) IV. The Wisdom of God: Man’s Restoration
The “New” World (Genesis 9)

I. Man is Still Man: We are Made in God’s Image (9:1-7) II. God is Still God: He is the Promise-Keeping God (9:8-17) III. Man is Still Sinful: We Cannot Escape Sin (9:18-27) IV. Man Still Needs a Savior: Christ, the Promised One (9:28-29) Discussion Questions 1. What was one thing you learned from this […]
Reaching Your Campus with the Gospel

Searching for the Savior (Genesis 4:17-5:32)

I. Looking for the Savior in the Line of Cain (4:16-24) II. Looking for the Savior in the Line of Seth (4:25-5:32) III. Finding Christ, the Savior of the World
Sin Ruined Everything (Genesis 4:1-16)

I. Sin Ruined Our Hopes (4:1-2) II. Sin Ruined Our Relationship With God (4:3-7) III. Sin Ruined Our Relationship With Others (4:8-16) IV. Yet, There is Hope in God’s Promise
The Fear of God (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

Fear God, always, in everything. I. The Fear of God in Our Attitude 2. The Fear of God in Our Actions
True Worshipers: So, So Small, Yet So, So Loved! (Psalm 8)

Key Idea: How to be a true worshiper: see God as He is, see yourself as you are, and marvel at God’s grace.
See God as he is (vv.1-2)
Who is God?
God is YHWH, our personal God
God is Majestic
God is supreme (God over all the earth)
God is glorious
God is powerful
See yourself as you are (vv.3-4)
Marvel at God’s Grace (vv.5-9)