Keeping Up with Praxis

Hi Lighthouse Church Family! We miss you and we want to keep in touch! “Checking in with the Church Family” is our series to help us stay connected, provide encouragement, and remind us all of how God has been good and faithful to Lighthouse during this unique season. Stay tuned for updates from different ministries, […]

Standing Firm as Suffering Sojourners (1 Peter 5:12–14)

Key Idea: As believers, we must stand firm in the gospel of grace for everyday life.   Four Characteristics of Standing Firm: I. A Fervent Exhortation (v. 12b) II. A Faithful Example (v. 12a) III. A Familial Expression (v. 13–14a) IV. A Favorable Expectation (v. 14b)

A Charge to Persevere (1 Peter 5:5-11)

Three Components to Perseverance   I. The Posture of Perseverance (v. 5-7) II.The Practice of Perseverance (v. 8-9) III. The Power of Perseverance (v. 10-11)

We Are Family (1 Peter 5:1-4)

Goal #1: Know the Purpose & Responsibilities of the Elders Goal #2: Be Challenged in How You Live Your Life Goal #3: Know and Hear from the Elders