What Did Jesus Come to Do? (Luke 5:27-6:11)

Key Idea: Jesus came to reveal the life-transforming gospel Three Purposes of Jesus:
The Messiah Who Cleanses, Heals, and Forgives (Luke 5:12-26)

Key idea: Jesus is eager to extend mercy to those who eagerly seek it in faith.
What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus? (Luke 5:1-11)

Key Idea: Following Jesus means trusting and valuing Him more than everything The Set-up (vv. 1-3) Following Jesus means…
The Authority of Jesus (Luke 4:31–44)

Key Idea: Jesus’ display of authority over demons and disease reveals He is Lord over our lives and a compassionate savior.
On Mission (Luke 4:16-30)

Tempted Yet Triumphant (Luke 4:1-15)

Waiting On God (Luke 1.5-3.38)

Knowing Christ With Certainty (Luke 1.1-4)

Biblical Worldview Q&A

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Case Study: Politics