The Lord’s Prayer: Session 5 (Spring 2023)

Session 5 – Small Group Study Guide Study Questions How would you summarize what the “will of God” is? Can you define the difference between decree, desire, and direction? How does this affect what you pray for? Based upon your study of this chapter, how would you summarize what the kingdom of God is? How […]
The Lord’s Prayer: Session 4 (Spring 2023)

Session 4 – Small Group Study Guide Study Questions Meditate carefully on 1 Peter 2:24-25. These verses are a presentation of the gospel. As pastor David said, “we can get overly familiar with it and begin to tune it out.” So as you meditate on it, consider these questions: What fresh gospel treasures make you […]
The Lord’s Prayer: Session 3 (Spring 2023)

Session 3 – Small Group Study Guide Study Questions Study Questions DeYoung parallels learning how to pray from Jesus with these questions at the beginning of the chapter on p. 25: “What if you had the opportunity to ask the greatest basketball coach of all time to teach you how to shoot a basketball” or […]
The Lord’s Prayer: Session 2 (Spring 2023)

Session 2 – Small Group Study Guide Study Questions How do you personally tend to think about work? What are your priorities, your attitude, and the thoughts usually on your mind when it comes to this topic? How does your Christian faith factor into how you think about it? What does it mean that we […]
The Lord’s Prayer: Session 1 (Spring 2023)

Session 1 – Small Group Study Guide Study Questions The chapter begins by sharing a common sentiment many of us have encountered when it comes to prayer: Prayer can be discouraging. But that’s okay. We are studying prayer this season so we can be honest and grow together. How has the pursuit of prayer been […]
1 Peter Sermon Study: Session 9 (Fall 2022)

Session 9 – Small Group Study Guide Word: How this truth should be understood In vv. 9-10, what does Peter do before calling his readers to “proclaim the excellencies of him…”? Why does he do this? In v. 9, Peter describes believers using four different descriptions. What are some of the ideas and implications captured […]
1 Peter Sermon Study: Session 8 (Fall 2022)

Session 8 – Small Group Study Guide Word: How this truth should be understood Look back at 1 Peter 2:1-3 for context. How does that connect with 2:4? Peter uses a pertinent metaphor in every verse of this passage. What is the metaphor, and what is the point of the metaphor? How is Christ a […]
1 Peter Sermon Study: Session 7 (Fall 2022)

Session 7 – Small Group Study Guide Download: Word | Download: PDF Word: How this truth should be understood Read the Romans 8:12-18. What are some of the different ways Paul highlights our adoption? Worship: How this truth affects your heart Scripture is clear that all believers should be engaged in mercy ministry towards those […]
Sermon Study: Session 6 (Fall 2022)

Session 6 – Small Group Study Guide Download: Word | Download: PDF Word: How this truth should be understood Read the Romans 8:12-18. What are some of the different ways Paul highlights our adoption? Worship: How this truth affects your heart Scripture is clear that all believers should be engaged in mercy ministry towards those […]
1 Peter Sermon Study: Session 5 (Fall 2022)

Session 5 – Small Group Study Guide Download: Word | Download: PDF Word: How this truth should be understood In verse 11, what are the two things that the Spirit of Christ predicted? What is the significance of these graces for understanding your salvation? In verse 12, who does “those who preached the good news […]