Whose Glory Will You Pursue? {Part 2} (Matthew 5:13-16)
We are called to be heaven’s representatives, pointing people to Christ for the glory of God.
Shine or Hide {Part 1} (Matthew 5:13-16)
What Will You Do With Jesus {Part 4}: The One True King (Matthew 2:1-12)
What Will You Do With Jesus? {Part 2}: A Bold Obedience (Matthew 1:18-25)
We should have a bold obedience, because we believe in a saving, faithful, present God.
Session 5 – Jesus Responds Part 2 (Matthew 4:1-11)
Beacon Youth Retreat 2013
Session 4 – Jesus Responds Part 1 (Matthew 4:1-11)
Beacon Youth Retreat 2013
Session 2 – The Temptations (Matthew 4:1-11)
Session 1 – Introduction (Matthew 4:1-11)
Beacon Youth Retreat 2013
The King (Matthew 21:1-11)
The gospel changes whose kingdom you’re living for and who you bow your heart to.